We now know the heroic and tragic last words of Admiral Ackbar. One of the most difficult things for some hardcore Star Wars fans to deal with in The Last Jedi was the death of Admiral Ackbar. Not just because to some he was such a beloved character, despite the fact that he's had very minimal screen time during the course of the franchise, but because his death was so sudden and abrupt. Not only that, but because of the dire situation that The Resistance finds itself in during the events of the movie, they didn't have any time to mourn him on screen. Now, in the pages of The Last Jedi comic book adaptation, the situation has been amended to some degree.
Marvel's Star Wars: The Last Jedi Adaptation #2</em> just hit shelves and digital platforms and, for the most part, it's just carrying us through the story beats as we know them in a different medium. However, as we discovered in the first issue, Gary Whitta, who wrote the screenplay for Rogue One and has been tapped by Marvel to pen the comic book adaptation of The Last Jedi, has been sneaking in some new stuff for context. In the last issue, he provided us with a moment to allow for Luke to mourn the death of Han Solo with Chewie.
This time around, he gives Admiral Ackbar his due. During the movie, Kylo Ren assaults the Resistance ships as they're making their getaway following the destruction of the Dreadnought. While taking aim at the ship's unprotected bridge, he hesitates as he knows it would mean killing Leia, but the Tie Fighters who are with him don't have the same hang up. They fire a couple of torpedos at the bridge, decimating it and sucking the crew out into space. This includes Ackabar and Leia, who manages to use the Force to save herself. Everyone else dies though.
Ackbar's death, in the movie, is terribly abrupt. Here, in the comic, Gary Whitta essentially inserts a much-needed deleted scene where we get another brief moment with Ackbar before his death. He alerts everyone on the bridge by saying, "Torpedos inbound!" Realizing the situation is hopeless, he looks back at everyone on the bridge and says, "It's been an honor serving with you all." We see Leia's concerned and heartbroken face before the bridge explodes in a ball of fire.
To many, Admiral Ackbar is just the guy who says "It's a trap" in Return of the Jedi. However, he has been with the Rebellion for a long time and is a key member of their leadership. He is, to some degree, one of the unsung heroes of the galaxy and has always tried to do what's right. His final words are very fitting and honestly, a little heartbreaking. Rian Johnson had way too much to do in The Last Jedi to include anything like this, but Gary Whitt shows us just how emotional and great that could have been. RIP, Ackbar. You can check out the page from the Marvel comic Star Wars: The Last Jedi Adaptation #2 for yourself below.
For those of you looking for fulfilling death for Admiral Ackbar. The last Jedi adaptation is the place for you! pic.twitter.com/NsfwBFUEPF
— HazzaSWBF (@HazzaSWBF) May 24, 2018
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