A 28-year-old nurse from Kerala wrote a heartbreaking letter to her husband before she succumbed to Nipah virus.
A nursing assistant, Lini Puthussery, had treated the infected persons and was among those who died has been hailed as a hero by authorities.
A mother of two, Lini was cremated even before her family members could bid a final goodbye because of fears the virus could spread.
Read: Kerala on high alert as Nipah virus death toll rises
In a final note she scribbled for her husband in a hospital isolation unit, Puthussery urged her husband to take care of the children.
It read:
Sajeeshetta, am almost on the way. I don't think I will be able to see you again. Sorry. Please take care of our children. Poor Kunju (term of endearment for their son), please take him to the Gulf with you. Don't leave them and go like (my) father did. Please. With lots of love. Kisses.
Lini took care of three patients suffering from Nipah Virus on Thursday evening. By Friday morning, she had developed fever and was rushed to the medical college hospital, according to a report in Manorama.
She spoke to her husband Sajeesh and informed that she was sick. Her husband flew immediately and met his wife at the isolated ICU before she passed away.
(With inputs taken from AFP)
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