
Soccer Referee Tests Whether Threat of Becoming Viral Video Can Improve Youth Sports Parent Behavior

Brian Barlow is a youth soccer referee from Tulsa, Okla., who has gone viral over the last week, following a New York Times profile on his efforts to improve the conduct of sports parents by, among other things, using the threat of themselves becoming a viral video to stop them from abusing officials. He will pay $100 to anyone who sends him a video of such parents wilding out on a ref that he ends up posting onto Facebook, making Barlow's page, called "Offside," the youth sports parents version of Worldstar Hip-Hop, with the other parents serving the role of every kid who whips out a phone when a fight starts in the school hallway.

It's become abundantly clear that becoming a viral video, or the threat of becoming one, is currently the most powerful tool in defining and enforcing social norms. You know of sobriquets such as BBQ Becky and Permit Patty becoming shorthand for people who became infamous, and suffered the wrath of the Internet and perhaps professional consequences as well for being horrible people on camera. For instance, the wrestler who a few days ago lost his college scholarship after being caught on video making anti-gay slurs.

However, making his living as a marketing expert and consultant, Barlow has the skills and drive to turn parents into Ref-Baiting Richards without relying on the luck of the social media draw, and well as developing products and services designed to dissuade parents from joining his Facebook parade of horribles.

As well as the Facebook page, Barlow operates something he calls #STOP, which offers products and services that he says are designed to prevent referee abuse before it starts. To get an idea of how it works, and to note that Barlow has marketing savvy beyond most of your youth soccer referees, you can check out this promotional video:


From the video:

"Barlow has the first and only solution to reverse this toxic trend," a man intones in stentorian Announcer Guy voice, with dramatic music in the background. "The shortage of referees for youth sports is alarming, and is becoming a national crisis, threatening games and tournaments."

"The worst part?" Barlow asks. As he responds to his own question, his words flash in red, capital letters: "NO ONE IS DOING A THING ABOUT IT."

One of my first questions to Barlow -- that's what he calls himself, by the way, Barlow, with no first name -- is about his point that no one is doing anything about it. After all, more than 20 states have passed laws targeting abuse of sports officials, organizations have rules on treatment of officials, and there are even signs at ballparks that tell parents to let the players play, the coaches coach, and the officials officiate. How can he say no one is doing a thing about it?

"It’s one thing to pass legislation," Barlow said. "But in the heat of the moment, you’re not thinking about laws, or whether you’re going to get arrested. There has to be something visually dominating at clubs, organizations and tournaments that tell you this is how you behave, and you’re going to held accountable, and if you don’t follow it we are going to escort you off the premises.

"Everyone talks about the issue, and they all say the standard same stuff – but no one REALLY has a no-tolerance policy."

Barlow says he tells his marketing clients and audiences: "You have to make a unique and bold statement to make your business unique -- so I followed my own advice." So the threat of becoming a viral video is an attention-getter and a new hook, but it's only part of a strategy that seeks to change the whole mental outlook of parents who might be included to scream at their kids' sporting events. (After all, there is no shortage of videos online that show parents abusing referees.)

Barlow's #STOP has an online store with various signs and materials for sale that are designed to remind parents, in the heat of the moment, to keep cool, and set up systems and tools for leagues to appoint marshals to enforce the keeping of cool. These include a $50 package for 10 passes that referees can hand to coaches with a warning to stop the abuse or face further consequences (which, Barlow says, helps teenage officials better stand up to adults without a verbal confrontation), $112 for five marshal vests, and $442 for a large pop-up sign outlining parent expectations and explaining you will be recorded if you freak out.

There is also a complete $999 package that includes all the signs and materials, plus a $99 per month subscription to videos from Barlow and other resources to help in the fight against referee abuse. (That package, sold to nearly 25 clubs and drawing interest from 70 to 80 more, was on the site as of the time I talked to Barlow on July 20, but it was not on there as I wrote this on July 21. Barlow said it is still available but was taken down because he "just didn't want it to be the focal point of the site.")

I said to Barlow that it looks like he recognized a business opportunity in stopping referee abuse. "To be completely honest -- yes," he said. However, Barlow said he's only looking to cover costs with #STOP, including paying the $100 bounty for videos, not make a profit. (To this point, Barlow said he's posted only a small percentage of the "4,000 to 5,000" videos he's received since starting his bounty in 2017; they have to meet certain standards of horribleness before he posts them.)

Then again, money often is cited as driving the parental behavior that can end up in someone yelling at an official. Barlow says that excuse is just as lame as when someone uses it to justify any poor behavior as a result of being dissatisfied with a large purchase. "You hear, 'We play competitive sports, and it sucks to pay $3,000 to go 600 miles and get cheated by a referee that doesn’t call the game right,'" Barlow said. "My question is – who made you an assessor? Your opinion is insignificant. I know I have jacked up some games. I have missed 1,000 calls. I’m probably never going to call the perfect game. At the end of the day, if someone things they’re getting jacked, sometimes they use that to verify why they’re not getting a return on their investment."

The idea of everything he's doing with the videos and with #STOP, Barlow said, is to get parents to cool down overall about their emotional and financial investment in sports. Barlow has seen the other side -- he's been a coach, and his two teenage children are soccer players. But Barlow said parents have to realize there are lessons that come with a loss, and that everything isn't going to perfect.

"You can take a negative moment and flip it to a positive," Barlow said. He didn't say that in this context, but I would add knowing you have 100 phones pointed at you when you start to lose your cool certainly can flip your negative moment into a positive pretty quickly. And that's exactly what Barlow says has happened in his experience, even since he offered his $100 bounty. You might want to yell at an official, but you don't want to be the once who becomes Ref-Baiting Richard.

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Labels: Viral Today

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