MIDLAND, Texas (Big 2/Fox 24) - Hooey Rodriquez likes to help people out, and it makes sense, because he says he wants to be a police officer someday. On Tuesday, a viral video started circulating around Midland, showing Hooey having the time of his life.
"When I walked up, the back window was rolled down and there was a little boy in there with his brother," says Blake Blanscett, a Midland Patrol Officer. "That little boy told me 'hi police officer,' and it caught me by surprise."
On Tuesday, Blanscett pulled the Rodriquez family over for simply having outdated dealer tags. But after meeting Hooey, a normal stop turned into so much more.
"I took him to the patrol car and he turned my lights and my sirens on. He thought that was the coolest thing ever, and he told me he wanted to be a police officer one day," says Blanscett. "That gave me just the best feeling in the world. Just knowing that I could change the perspective of a little kids mind."
And for Hooey's family, Blanscett's actions meant so much.
"You know those light coming on and him getting excited, it goes to show that it is not something you need to be scared of," says Cory Rodriquez, Hooey's father. "They are out here doing their job just as well as everyone else through out their days."
For the Rodriquez family, a bad situation was completely flipped on it's head. And a simple gesture by a police officer, didn't just impact kids like Hooey, but the entire community around him.
"I think it just shows people everywhere that cops aren't bad," says Rodriquez. "It is just people who make bad decisions. There are good people out there, and I think it does great for our community."
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