
#ItMightMeanTooMuch: The story behind the viral Alabama/LSU wedding cake

Jonathan Campbell and his new wife, Bekka, were at a mall in Miami, enjoying the second day of their honeymoon.

By the time they left the mall that day, the newlyweds were viral sensations.

It was nothing that they did in the mall that day that earned them new internet fame. Days earlier, the couple shared a moment at their wedding that they wouldn’t soon forget.

Bekka had a little surprise for her husband-to-be. On the surface, it looked like the wedding cake she ordered was simply an Alabama-themed cake. Complete with the Alabama ‘A’ logo and crimson trim, it looked like the perfect cake for Campbell, a diehard fan of the Crimson Tide.

Or so he thought.

Before that video ever hit the internet masses, it was actually only a private video that was posted on Facebook.

“Another friend — I don’t even remember who — came up with the idea, ‘Hey, let’s make the post public, and it might go viral,’” Campbell said. “And, well, I guess that person was right.”

Shortly after the video went public, it took off. A local TV station in Baton Rouge picked it up, then Barstool Sports and Bleacher Report got wind of it. Even ESPN and Sports Illustrated reached out to Campbell.

Needless to say, the viral attention wasn’t so kind to cell phone battery life.

“Next thing I know, my wife’s phone, my friend’s phone and my phone, we couldn’t keep our phones charged,” Campbell said.

The video, which now has 953,000 views and counting, has a backstory, though. Anyone like myself who watched it probably had a ton of questions. Campbell was kind enough to answer them for me.

Like, how did this all come together? And why?

As you can see from the video, Campbell is clearly an Alabama fan. He’s a diehard and has been since he was little. Despite the fact that he and Bekka live in New Orleans, he doesn’t have a soft spot for LSU. Obviously.

“There’s not much to have to defend when you know you can’t beat ’em anyway,” Campbell said. “Everybody that I talk to calls (Alabama-LSU) a ‘rivalry,’ and I just don’t see a rivalry when you lose seven years in a row.”

Here’s where it gets interesting. One would assume from watching the video that his bride is a pretty big LSU fan, right? Not exactly. According to Campbell, she’s only a casual LSU fan (who’s obviously surrounded by plenty of them in New Orleans).

But she was apparently dead-set on pulling a fast one on her prankster husband-to-be. She got the idea from people who have done similar wedding cake surprises before, so she went to their wedding bakery with her mom to see if it could be done for their wedding. Purple and gold cake with white frosting and an Alabama logo on top? No problem.

By the time their wedding day came around, several members of the wedding party knew about the LSU surprise inside the cake.

“Next thing you know, it spread like wildfire and I was the only one who didn’t know about it,” Campbell said.

Campbell admitted that while it certainly felt special that day, it had been done before. Shoot, even this summer a Texas A&M wedding cake trolling LSU went viral.

Campbell is still “blown away” by the reaction that it got because it wasn’t necessarily an original concept. As I explained to him, though, part of the entertainment value in it was his reaction. In the video, he looks stunned. He looks like he’s in total disbelief, which is why he’s seen people question if that was a staged reaction.

“Some people think it was just an act. I’ve seen some of the comments on Facebook,” Campbell said. “But I was legitimately shocked by it. It was complete, legitimate emotions of trying to contain myself.”

It was probably a good thing that Campbell wasn’t visibly angry that his Alabama cake wasn’t as pure as he thought. Interestingly enough, Campbell said his contained reaction — a few adult beverages deep — felt like a growing moment.

“A younger version of me probably would’ve been flipping people off and cursing them out,” Campbell said. “We wouldn’t be having this conversation that we’re having right now.”

But fortunately, we were able to do just that.

Campbell was gracious enough to call me back when he and Bekka returned from their honeymoon as surprising viral stars. He said that he’s already got plans to prank Bekka back, though he didn’t want to share specifics in case she reads this. Campbell did promise that “every year, the pranks are just gonna get better and better for her.”

Oh, I almost forgot. I had one more question and perhaps it was the most important one. The video showed Campbell putting his hands in his pockets at the very end as he stepped away from the piece of purple and gold surprise.

Did he actually eat the cake? Yes … but just the Alabama icing.

“For fear that my teeth would fall out from touching those ignorant colors,” Campbell said, “I refused.”

Ah, that’s #ItMightMeanTooMuch at its finest.

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Labels: Viral Today

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