
John McCain's last words were right on

This  is an opinion column by Mike Oliver, who sometimes writes about his diagnosis of Levy body dementia, a fatal brain disease and other topics of about life and living.

So what's the last word?


John McCain said before he died, "I love you, I have not been cheated."

Wow. I love those last words as relayed by McCain's good friend Sen. Lindsey Graham.

McCain had left a written statement but these words spoken to Graham were the actual last words.

My praise of McCain's utterances  comes from a guy (me) who has been thinking about last words. I've also been looking at epitaphs (no brother, not epithets.)

But before I get into some of the best last words of all time, let's breakdown the last words of John 'The Maverick' McCain.

I'm not going to make this at all a political column but I will say I admire Sen. McCain. Anybody who can survive the harsh conditions of a Vietnamese prisoner camp for more than five years, is one tough dude and deserves my respect and my thanks for his service.

Graham, a long-time friend, was reportedly at bedside when McCain made comments before dying.

"I love you,'' he told Lindsay.

Those three words.

A connection to humanity. The word love is the most defined, undefined word in the lexicon.

It's the best thing you can say to somebody -- if you mean it.

Forget the fact that we don't know what it means, love that is.

Second part of McCain's last words: I have not been cheated.

I think he's saying he lived a full life. And what an interesting way to say it. I haven't been cheated.

Is that humble downplay or is it a slightly negative way of assessing the state of his life? Instead of 'I have been blessed ..." or "I have been rewarded with a good life" on his deathbed, he was saying  "I haven't been cheated." Some might interpret that negatively, like 'not getting cheated' is the most important point he can break out about his life?

But I think it is simply McCain saying, 'I had a good one. No worries."

Mental Floss, the excellent online compendium of great lists and stories, has assembled the dying words of 64 with the help of Words of Notable People. I'll cull it to a Top 10. 

Here's the list, my comments in italics.

Elvis Presely: "I'm going to the bathroom to read." No no no.

Frank Sinatra died after saying, "I'm losing it." That's what I call concise and on point.

Marie Antoinette stepped on her executioner's foot on her way to the guillotine. Last words: "Pardonnez-moi, monsieur." Showing the strength of a human being is saying "Excuse me' to your executioner.

Richard B. Mellon: "Last tag.'

The wealthy man was the President of Alcoa, and he and his brother Andrew had a little game of Tag going. According to Mental Floss, the weird thing was, this game of Tag lasted for like seven decades. When Richard was on his deathbed, he called his brother over and whispered, "Last tag." Poor Andrew remained "It" for four years, until he died. Life is about having fun and competing. Mellon and brother kept it going to the end. I salute you.


 Leonardo da Vinci: "I have offended God and mankind because my work did not reach the quality it should have." Leo, don't beat yourself up, but you are right, the Mona Lisa's smile should have been wider.

Murderer James W. Rodgers was put in front of a firing squad in Utah and asked if he had a last request. He replied, "Bring me a bullet-proof vest." When you got nothing, be a wise guy.

John Arthur Spenkelink was executed in Florida in 1979. He spent his final days writing these last words on various pieces of mail: "Capital punishment means those without the capital get the punishment." Ah, this guy addresses a sweeping and problematic social issue as he walks to his death penalty.

Groucho Marx: "This is no way to live!" He got that right and died.

Blues guitarist Leadbelly said, "Doctor, if I put this here guitar down now, I ain't never gonna wake up." And he was right. Hope he got buried with it.

Bo Diddley died listened to the song "Walk Around Heaven." His last word was "Wow."

And my wife's grandmother Inez Burns lived to be 100. At her bedside she told Catherine her granddaughter who was telling her she was leaving for home in Florida. Inez said: "I'm going to have to go now too. Goodbye I love you." And she died.

My last word, for now, is "Wow.'

NOTE: Mental Floss cites Last Words of Notable People as a major source in their list.



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