President Trump nixed issuing a statement that praised the heroism and life of Sen. John McCain, telling senior aides he preferred to issue a tweet before posting one Saturday night that did not include any kind words for the late Arizona Republican.
Press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Chief of Staff John F. Kelly and other White House aides advocated for an official statement that gave the decorated Vietnam War POW plaudits for his military and Senate service and called him a “hero,” according to current and former White House aides, who requested anonymity to discuss sensitive internal deliberations. The original statement was drafted before McCain died Saturday, and Sanders and others edited a final version this weekend that was ready for the president, the aides said.
This rates as just about the Trumpiest thing ever. Trump, showing his low character and lack of class, won’t put out a statement. His aides who feel bad leak that their boss is an ungracious, classless thug. But they don’t feel bad enough to quit. Then, as if to put an exclamation point on his own loathsomeness, Trump had the White House flag back to full-staff by Monday morning. Still, no one in the White House feels compelled to leave after such a grotesque display of incivility and heartlessness. And you wonder why many Americans have no respect for White House staff members nor think they should get a free pass into polite society when their time in the White House ends?
At any rate, McCain even in death was able to illustrate what a small, self-absorbed character now occupies the White House. And we shouldn’t be surprised in the least. Why would someone like Trump respect McCain, or even recognize the need to simulate respect?
- McCain was courageous and served his country, choosing to remain in the infamous Hanoi Hilton when he could have been released earlier. Trump used “bone spurs” to get out of service.
- McCain was a reader, a student of history. Trump doesn’t read and know less about everything than any modern president.
- McCain understood that the United States was made by immigrants. Trump is a xenophobe and bigot.
- McCain knew Russia is our foe. Trump embraces (or is compromised by) Russian President Vladimir Putin.
- McCain long ago knew climate change was real and man-made. Trump denies it exists, practicing deliberate ignorance that thrills his deliberately ignorant base.
- McCain defended human rights at every opportunity. Trump praises Kim Jong Un.
- McCain was self-deprecating. Trump is a narcissist.
- McCain was witty and enjoyed a good joke. Trump is dull-witted and practically never laughs spontaneously.
- McCain’s friends were war heroes. Trump’s friends are convicted or confessed felons.
- McCain talked about the heroes he served with. Trump talks only about himself.
- McCain could admit error. Trump never apologizes for anything.
- McCain treated female colleagues with respect and forged lasting friendships with them. Trump denigrates women, pays off paramours and supported alleged wife beater Rob Porter and alleged child molester Roy Moore.
- McCain earned the respect of his critics. Trump earns the contempt of his allies.
- McCain knew America was an idea as much as a physical place. Trump has no idea what America is all about.
- McCain fought to preserve the integrity of the armed forces and intelligence community. Trump smears the intelligence community and showed in the campaign he would ask the troops to commit war crimes.
- McCain visited troops on the front lines possibly hundreds of times. Trump hasn’t visited the front lines once.
- McCain understood that the Europeans are our allies and dictators the enemy of free people. Trump treat allies like enemies and swoons before dictators.
- McCain could not be snookered with false praise. Trump is an easy mark for anyone who will compliment him.
- McCain will be remembered as among the best who ever served in the Senate. Trump will be remembered as a contender for the worst president ever.
- McCain inspired loyalty. Trump shows loyalty to no one and now sees his closest confidantes turn on him.
- McCain forgave the country where he was tortured. Trump can never forget a slight.
- McCain thought the best of Americans. Trump thinks Americans are suckers, easily confused and riled up by racial animus.
- McCain was intellectually curious, fun and lively. Trump is a self-absorbed bore.
In other words, McCain’s greatness, in part, is revealed by the friends he attracted and the enemies he made. His party is defined now by the man whose low character is revealed each and every day.
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