SALT LAKE CITY — Katie Hoyos never thought anyone would care about her phone case.
But she was wrong — very wrong. After all, it’s not a phone case you see every day, if ever again.
See, a phone case company in Australia inadvertently sold cases with an image of the LDS Church's Salt Lake Temple on the back of its phone case, which also includes an image of Belle and the Beast from Disney's 1991 animated film “Beauty and the Beast.”
The Salt Lake Temple sits on the background, along with a line from Doctrine & Covenants Section 123, verse 17.
"Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed."
The phone case, which was designed for iPhone 5, 5S and 5E devices, is no longer available.
Pink Beauty Australia, the company that sold the "Beauty and the Beast" temple cases, sells a variety of phone cases and wallets online. U.S. shoppers can find them on both eBay and Amazon. The company does not have an official website.
The online sales company bought its phone covers from a supplier in Hong Kong, according to a message sent to the Deseret News.
"We only choose some designs they have for sale, and that particular design was in the recommend list," the company said.
Pink Beauty Australia did not recognize the Salt Lake Temple until after someone outside the company brought it to their attention, the company said.
Hoyos is one of the lucky few to buy one of these cases.
“This is a ‘Beauty and the Beast’ phone case from a company in Australia. Clearly, they have no idea their castle stock photo is actually the SLC temple. Seems legit!” wrote Hoyos’ original Reddit post, which began trending two weeks ago.
Hoyos, a "Beauty and the Beast" fan and member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, posted an image of her case on Facebook, too.
“When you order a 'Beauty and the Beast' phone case from a company in Australia because clearly they have no idea their castle stock photo is actually the SLC temple #BelleandBeastareMormon #happilyforeverafter,” her post read.
Hoyos said she didn’t expect her pictures to go viral.
3 comments on this storyIn fact, she thought her friends would be the only ones who cared about the phone case “because the two things I’m most associated with are my love of ‘Beauty and the Beast’ and my LDS faith,” she said.
Though not from Utah, Hoyos said she’s visited the Salt Lake Temple “many times.” And, she said, she has no reason to buy another case since it shows her faith.
“I am keeping the case. It’s a fun 'Beauty and the Beast' item to have in my collection,” said Hoyos, who graduated from BYU.
She added, “having a phone case that represents my faith, as well as my favorite movie, is pretty awesome.”
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