
This is why a 92-year-old granny has gone viral at the Notting Hill Carnival

If you’re wondering what the secret to a long and happy life is, then 92-year-old Elizabeth Seabrooke’s story might just hold the answer: rum cocktails, Lidl day cream and an open heart.

Elizabeth has become a viral sensation after pictures of her living her best life at a very wet and rainy Notting Hill Carnival were posted online by her granddaughter Angelica Malin.

“She ate some corn, she drank a rum cocktail and she had a very good time,” Angelica, 27, said.

The images have been widely shared, with many struggling to believe that the woman in the pictures is actually 92.

In fact, among the most common reactions, according to Angelica, have been requests to know her skincare regime, which turns out to be soap and water, a Boots serum, Lidl day cream, witch hazel and Lidl night cream.

Nobody from Lidl has yet been in touch about a possible endorsement, much to Angelica’s disappointment.

“I think they would be a great brand partnership,” she joked.

If the attention on her for merely having a nice time at a carnival has left her a little baffled, Elizabeth is happily embracing a spotlight which is perhaps many decades overdue.

As a child she dreamed of being an actress and she won a place to study at Rada in her 20s, only to be denied the opportunity to take it up because her father said it wasn’t for “nice girls”.

Now Angelica has put out a call for agents to get in touch if they know of any parts going for older women.

And casting directors will have an increasing body of work to look at, too – as well as an appearance on ITV news which led to her being recognised on a bus, Angelica has put a number of clips of her grandmother online to satisfy the interest from the public.

“She keeps using a funny voice in the videos – I think it’s her phone voice,” Angelica said. “She’s not normally as posh as that.”

Angelica is now looking into booking her on to a Rada short course so that she can finally get the experience she missed out on in her 20s.

While many people have been focused on Elizabeth’s skincare regime as the secret to her youthful look, others have suggested it’s because she remains open to new experiences and cultures.

“She just went to enjoy it. She didn’t even think of a political aspect, so perhaps it’s true.”

And it’s not just Elizabeth who got a lot out of it. Angelica, who is editor-in-chief of About Time magazine, has come away from the experience feeling more positive, especially about the internet.

“The internet can be a kind place,” she said. “I’ve often had to step away or take a break in the past. But people celebrating someone older doing something fun, celebrating diversity… It’s been a really positive week.”

- Press Association

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