
Quote of the Day: Ridiculous Ideas

Virtually no idea is too ridiculous to be accepted, even by very intelligent and highly educated people, if it provides a way for them to feel special and important. Some confuse that feeling with idealism. – Thomas Sowell

This seems to be the era for that kind of thinking. Some people advocate saving the world by banning straws. Others insist any speech they disagree with is hate speech, unprotected by the Constitution, and prosecutable. Others insist the only way to save the Republican party is vote a straight Democratic ticket this fall. And let’s not get into those who argue the Moon landing was faked or that the collapse of the Twin Towers was due to a government conspiracy rather than Islamofascist terrorists because, truth.

The folly of these beliefs is obvious, yet many of those advocating them are completely sincere and absolutely convinced of the correctness of their stands. In many cases they believe that if you oppose them your are not just wrong, you are evil. Nor are these stupid people. Many are highly intelligent and highly educated – and completely oblivious to the folly in their position.

Why? I honestly do not know.

I think that is why I find this quotation so appealing. Sowell’s contention is some people are so obsessed with a need to feel special and important that they latch on to some nonsense idea in the belief its advocacy will make them special and important. You cannot reason with such people. You cannot show them through logical argument that they are wrong. About the only thing you can do is shake your head and tell them, “Bless your heart.” Then move on and spend your time (which is finite) on more valuable activities.

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