
It Sure Is “A Scary Time” (for Boys), as Viral Crooner Sings on Kimmel

Viral singer Lynzy Lab and her ukulele just got their silver screen debut. On Thursday night, Jimmy Kimmel welcomed the dance teacher to perform her viral song, “A Scary Time,” which Lab first recorded “ after Donald Trump responded to Brett Kavanaugh’s Senate hearing regarding an allegation of sexual assault from Christine Blasey Ford by saying, “It is a very scary time for young men in America, where you can be guilty of something you may not be guilty of.” (Kavanaugh has denied all allegations of sexual misconduct.) Though she performs solo in her original video, Lab had some back-up on Kimmel—an entire chorus, in fact.

Despite its gentle sound and happy instrumentation, “A Scary Time” drips with sarcasm. Lyrics include, “I can’t walk to my car late at night while on the phone/ I can’t open up my windows when I’m home alone . . . But it sure is a scary time for boys/ Gentleman band together make some noise/ It’s really tough when your reputations on the line/ And any woman you’ve assaulted could show up any time.” So far, Lab’s original video has received 11.4 million views on Twitter alone.

As he introduced Lab, Kimmel noted that Thursday was the International Day of the Girl—a day focused on female leadership to improve the lives of girls around the world. The comedian said that the discussions that have arisen from Kavanaugh’s confirmation process further illuminated for him what women like his wife mean when they say, “You don’t know what it’s like to be a woman.”

“Until I started hearing these stories, I didn’t know what it was like to be a woman—about how threatened women feel a lot of the time,” Kimmel said.

Lab began singing by herself on stage, but soon enough women and young girls joined in, providing back-up vocals. Remakes might get a bad rep, but this might be one of those rare cases where the follow-up rivals, or even outdoes, the original.

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