Lynn and Shireen have a decent amount of followers on social media. But at the end of the day, humans are no match for cute pets on Instagram. There’s Grumpy Cat, Doug the Pug and then there’s this guy, representing’ the 305.
He’s 3 years old, weighs a pound and a half, and is named after a beloved video game character.
He’s Diddy Kong! And he’s more popular than any of us will ever be.
Gabriella Katia, monkey’s owner: “Diddy Kong is the most famous monkey on Instagram right now.”
This little dude has a million followers — including Snoop Dogg, Neil Patrick Harris and Cara Delevingne.
He was featured in a Wiz Khalifa music video, and even walked the runway with his human mom, model Gabriella Katia.
Gabriella Katia: “It’s a full-time job. I’m a full-time monkey mom!”
That’s because a day in the life of Diddy Kong is not the same as your average marmoset.
We had the pleasure of monkeying around with him at his home in Miami.
Gabriella Katia: “Diddy Kong wakes up and gets organic food, right away, seven o’ clock on the dot. He gets to play around with Kirby, our dog, and he gets to enjoy beautiful views. He loves his baths, he loves his head rubs, and he just loves being given organic food every day.”
And sometimes Gabriella even prepares the food using marmoset-sized kitchen appliances and utensils. Too cute.
But about those baths — they’re what made him an Insta-celeb.
Gabriella Katia: “We had a few thousand followers here and there. Then we did a bath video, which put him on the map to make him completely viral.”
I wish I could enjoy anything as much as Diddy Kong enjoys his baths. And would you believe us if we told you Diddy actually wasn’t the only marmoset in this household?
That’s right — he has a little sister!
Gabriella Katia: “Of course we had to get him a friend, so we got Yeti Kong.”
She also loves to be pampered with treats and some TLC in the tub.
This is Diddy and Yeti Kong’s world. We’re all just living in it.
You can follow Diddy and Yeti Kong on Instagram @realdiddykong. They’ve got “real” in the username so you can rest assured knowing it’s not some impostor marmoset.
Copyright 2018 Sunbeam Television Corp. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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