
Quote of the Day: Hold the Line,Unless You Are Facing the Wrong Way

“Nothing in the World can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination are omnipotent. The slogan “press on” has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.” — Attributed to Calvin Coolidge (Unverified).

“Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.” — Winston Churchill, speech at Harrow School, Harrow, England, Oct. 29, 1941.

Two interesting quotes from Ricochet favorites. Coolidge may not have uttered this quote, but it was printed on the program for his funeral. I have seen and encountered the first quote in my own life. It is certainly true that many conflicts boil down to a question of will and dedication — who wants it more? How many movies have the hero down on the ground, with defeat staring him in the face, and then something gives him the determination to press on toward victory. Maybe they see someone they love, or something reminds them of the stakes? I think this is honestly mostly a dramatization — real heroes either resolve those doubts in a moment of thought or have already done so before their hour comes.

More to the point, developing relentless perseverance is the primary benefit of suffering. I reject the idea that suffering is a good thing, but avoiding all suffering and hardship is the source of snowflakes and whiny crybully social justice thugs. There is a path between endless agony and living in a bubble. By all means avoid suffering, but if it is the difference between success and failure, be willing to endure to achieve.

There was something bothering me about the first quote, which I think the second quote addresses. Dedication and resolve do not help if they serve a foolish or evil end. Terrorist scum can be quite persistent, after all, and our own mob of angry unemployed lefties seems to keep at things without ceasing. I’m sure Silent Cal would agree that Wilson’s persistence in implementing progressive policy and supporting the League of Nations did not help matters. So there are times when honor (morality/ethics) and good sense (rationality) tell you that you are aimed in the wrong direction. However, that is the only good reason to back down.

Otherwise, hold the line, do not surrender, do not bow down, do not give way.

This double-header Quote of the Day is brought to you by the iron will of Brett Kavanaugh, and Mitch McConnell’s resolve.

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