Democracy is hard. And yet, it's even harder for certain members of society, such as this person from the I, Anonymous Blog who is really, really upset about voting and STAMPS.
WTF! I have to buy a stamp to mail in my ballot??? America continues to make it difficult for Americans to vote. Unless you're OLD. Meaning you probably write checks and avoid debit cards. Who has stamps just lying around!? Only old people (mostly white). Another way for America to hide it's true identity. The majority of Americans are not OLD WHITE PEOPLE! Make voting easy! Don't send a huge booklet of measures (hidden agendas) and a bunch of BS policy that only highlights the same ol' song and dance. Whether you're a Democrat or Republican, it's the same shit, just a different socio economic status. Make voting digital! Maybe have a day where you can text your vote in or something that's more engaging with people and technology. Oregon, I'm calling you out first! Do something that doesn't always make our state look like inept slugs.
Make voting digital? Oh, nothing could go wrong there. Anyway, if you have a rant or confession to get off your chest, drop it off in the I, Anonymous Blog!
OH! Want to see your I, Anonymous submission read live on stage? Check out Portland's funniest comedy show, the I, Anonymous Show coming at you WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 at Curious Comedy Theater, featuring host (and 2018 Mercury Genius of Comedy) Kate Murphy and a panel of also-geniuses, Amanda Arnold, Marcus Coleman, and Nariko Ott! GET YOUR TICKETS NOW AND HERE.)
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