
Al Roker's Thanksgiving Day Parade 'Pokemon' Pronunciation of Eevee Goes Viral

With Pokemon: Let's Go out now, fans of Eevee are out in full force and for a milion adorable good reasons. Now the adorable pocket monster is in the spotlight once more, though for a more hilarious reason thanks to Al Roker just being Al Roker during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.

Normally pronounced "EV," Roker decided to over complicate the beloved Pokemon's name by adding an unnecessary syllable - but he was a trooper and kept powering on in the name of Thanksgiving.

The reactions were pretty hilarious too, even giving Eevee some street cred saying that's their Pokemon Rapper name:

And bonus just in case you missed him trying to say Saiyan:


In his defense, for those that aren't fans of either the Pokemon or Dragon Ball franchise, those names could look a little odd. That, and there's a lot going on during the parade - especially so for a live broadcast. Still, it's fun to goodnaturedly poke fun at the flub - even more so with both series being so widespread in both the gaming and television-verse.

So what do you think about Roker's take on Eevee? What other Pokemon would you like to see him try to tackle phonetically? Join in on the conversation in the comment section below, or tell me over on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy!

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Labels: Viral Today

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