
Baby sloth first to be born at Brevard Zoo

The Brevard Zoo welcomed a new arrival last month with the birth of a baby two-toed sloth.

The tiny critter — weighing only 11.2 ounces at birth — arrived about 5 p.m., Oct. 17, and is the offspring of the zoo's Linnaeus's two-toed sloths, Tango and Dustin.

It was the first sloth born at the zoo, officials said in a news release.

The baby doesn't yet have a name and zoo workers do not yet know whether it is male or female. Laboratory testing is sometimes needed to determine the sex of sloths, officials said.

The sloth will have to be hand-raised, as the mother has not shown signs of taking care of it.

“When we found the baby away from Tango, we tried to reunite them,” said zoo curator Lauren Hinson. “But the new mother was not nursing, nor did she show interest in the newborn. Tango is a first-time mother whose inexperience likely led her to not care for the little one."

Hinson is providing "round-the-clock" care as the baby's surrogate mother, feeding it goat's milk every two and a half hours. The process is expected to last about five months before weaning can begin, officials said.

Baby sloths usually cling to their mothers for the first few months of their lives; as a replacement, the newborn has a stuffed sloth blanket from the zoo's gift shop.

Linnaeus's two-toed sloths are native to the rainforests of South America. The species is threatened by habitat loss and the exotic pet trade, officials said.

Rogers is a breaking news reporter for FLORIDA TODAY and TCPalm.

Contact him at 321-242-3717,

or esrogers@floridatoday.com.

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