
This Thanksgiving, as your family gathers together to eat classic holiday sides like green beans, sweet potatoes, corn and apple pie, imagine what it would be like to not have those dishes on your table. Because unless something is done about the lack of qualified agriculture workers that growers like myself are facing, we are headed down a path where the average American will not be able to afford fresh fruits and vegetables.
As a third-generation family farmer with decades of experience, I’ve spent years grappling with the impact of this worker shortage.
I grow strawberries. This April, at the beginning of peak harvest season, I didn’t have enough workers to pick all the ripe berries before they rotted in the fields. In a single month, I lost $500,000.
When I first entered the strawberry business in the 1970s, the fruit was considered a luxury item. In the winter, we’d sell them to New York City vendors for the equivalent of nearly $200 a box today. If you wanted to bake a pie with fresh fruit, you had to wait until the early summer harvest. Today, fresh strawberries are readily available and reasonably priced in grocery stores year-round because farms like my own are growing more fruit.
Jobs Americans don't want
It takes a lot of workers to pick those acres, but the domestic labor simply isn’t available. This means that unless our elected officials make drastic changes to immigration policy — and allow us to hire more foreign-born workers — many Americans will soon have to give up their strawberries and other crops that must be laboriously picked by hand.
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The United States already imports more than half of the fresh fruits and almost a third of fresh vegetables that Americans eat. This is happening because the demand for fresh produce has been steadily increasing, while the number of people willing to work on farms has plummeted.
Every year, I advertise for American workers and get few replies. It’s why, according to data from New American Economy, in 2014 immigrants account for more than 77 percent of Florida’s ag workers. In California, they account for 69 percent of the ag workforce that same year.
Nationally, according to the 2013-14 National Agricultural Workers Survey, 73 percent of farm workers are foreign-born.
Declining numbers of immigrant laborers
To operate at full capacity, I rely on temporary foreign-born workers hired through the H-2A visa program. But H-2A is a complete mess.
First, it’s incredibly expensive. On average, growers pay $2,500 per worker to cover transportation, housing and visa fees. This is on top of the mandated $11.12 minimum pay per hour in Florida, which is more than the state’s required minimum wage of $8.25. In California, the mandated minimum hourly rate is even higher at $12.57 per hour, more than the $11 minimum wage there.
Some of my workers, on piece-rate, were earning upwards of $25 per hour some weeks last season.
Second, there is so much red tape that my workers often arrive late, like this year, or have to leave before the harvest is complete.
In recent years, the number of new immigrants arriving here to work in agriculture has fallen by 75 percent. In Florida, we lost more than 8,500 field and crop workers between 2002 and 2014. The remaining workers are aging, which means the shortage will only increase over the next five to 10 years. Soon, we’ll be competing with countries like Mexico to import labor.
Automated farming is the future of our industry, but we’re not quite there yet. We still need enough workers to handpick crops and bridge the gap until the technologies are mature. Otherwise, we’ll go out of business before we reach that point.
American consumers should be concerned. If growers like me must downsize or go out of business, then shoppers will lose year-round availability and be forced to pay a lot more for produce. Worse, we’ll be relying even more on foreign imports. This doesn’t bode well for American food security.
If you care about maintaining access to affordable, American-grown food, I urge you to join me in asking our legislators to reform immigration policy. We need to make it easier to hire foreign workers when we need them without worrying about caps, cost and deadlines. Until that happens, both American farmers — and the families we feed — will be left in the lurch.
Gary Wishnatzki is a third-generation family farmer and the owner and operator of Wish Farms in Florida and California.
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