
Why was Jesus born? - Ironcountytoday

By Scott Miller

Elder, New Life Church

The Bible gives many answers to the question, “Why was Jesus born?”  In Paul’s first letter to Timothy, chapter 1 verse 15, we find an answer relevant to every person ever born.  We read in that verse, “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.”

Now, if you don’t think yourself to be a sinner, then this verse is not for you.  If you believe that you have perfectly obeyed the commands of God, the 10 Commandments for example, then don’t count yourself as part of the group to which the rest of humanity belongs.  But if you personally find yourself in that category today – one of the number that the Bible describes as “sinner” – then this verse is good news for you, as it is for me.  “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.”

This verse reveals to us a specific mission Jesus came to accomplish – “to save.”  In other words, Jesus came for a purpose more important than providing an example to follow.  He came for a purpose more vital then simply showing us how to live and treat one another.  He came “to save.”

Naturally then the question arises, “Save from what?”  The Bible also provides that answer in Roman 5.9.  In that verse we are told that Jesus saves sinners “from the wrath of God.”  Maybe the wrath of God is something you would rather not think about.  Maybe it is simply something you find unacceptable or irreconcilable with the love of God.  Yet Jesus came with this mission – to save sinners from the wrath of God.  

If you already conceded that you fall into the category of sinner, then you too can be saved from the wrath of God.  If you are not saved from the wrath of God, you will suffer under it (see 2 Thessalonians 1.8-9).  Yet here is the good news – “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.”

How can I be saved from the wrath of God?  If we could be saved by something we do or by something we don’t do, then Jesus didn’t need to come; He didn’t need to be born.  We could say, “Just tell me what I need to do or not do and I will save myself.”

But the problem you and I face is this – we have already done what we shouldn’t do and we haven’t done what we should do.  Each one of us is guilty of violating God’s commandments (see Romans 3.10, 23). This is why God labels us “sinners.”  What hope then do we have of being saved?  Here is the hope God holds out to you and me – “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.”

So, there is something you and I must do.  You must trust in Jesus; you must believe in Jesus like you would a parachute before jumping out of a plane.  To simply look at the parachute will do you no good.  In reality, to simply believe that a parachute will save you without putting it on, will not deliver you from plummeting to your death.  You must trust it AND put it on. So it is with Jesus if you are to be saved from the wrath of God. You must do more than admire Him. You must do more than come and adore Him.  You must “put Him on,” like you would a parachute, in the sense that you trust in Him alone to save you.  John 3.36 tells us, “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.”

“Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.”  This is why Jesus was born.  This is good news for all.  

Scott Miller

Elder, New Life Church

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