Jesse, you say Common Ground
does that include the PLO?
what about people right here right now
who fought for you not so long ago?…If I ran for President
and once was a member of the Klan
wouldn’t you call me on it
the way I call you on Farrakhan?
Lou Reed wrote these lyrics two decades ago, in “Good Evening Mr. Waldheim,” on the New York album. I wrote of road-tripping in a fellow lieutenant’s “sin bin” to see Lou Reed perform the album in Munich. The lyrics of this song did not go over well with the “progressive” cultural gatekeepers at Rolling Stone. They were happy to have Lou Reed call out Pope John Paul II and Mr. Waldheim, but Jesse Jackson was untouchable, at least since he betrayed his black church roots, bending the knee and kissing the ring of the secular supremacist death cult, that had taken over the Democratic Party in the early 1970s.
With regard to different points of view, I hope that you won’t mind my saying that I did take issue with one of your songs, “Good Evening, Mr. Waldheim,” in which I thought that you were criticizing Jesse Jackson a bit unfairly.
Well, isn’t it nice in a rock & roll song to be able to give my position on something? I’m not trying to just get a rise out of somebody, but that’s how I feel and I’m not kidding around, and you can feel the other way, that’s your business, but we could spend the rest of our interview just debating this.
Now we have younger black politicians associated with the minister of real hate, Louis Farrakhan. Jew-hatred is being main steamed on college campuses and, once again, in the oldest political party in the United States of America. Consider the four men standing publicly together at Aretha Franklin’s memorial service: President Bill Clinton, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Louis Farrakhan. See PowerLine Blog for a long series of accounts of two Democrat/ DFL Minnesota politicians, Keith Ellison and Ilhan Omar, being repeatedly protected by self-styled progressive media.
Lou Reed’s lyrics remind us that intersectionality, or a victim hierarchy that granted hate-privilege to anointed groups, is not new. Its operation within the Democratic Party is also a return to historic form. Celebrated to this day as a founder of modern progressive government, Woodrow Wilson created the environment within which the Klu Klux Klan reemerged with a vengeance.
After seeing the film, an enthusiastic Wilson reportedly remarked: “It is like writing history with lightning, and my only regret is that it is all so terribly true.” African-American audiences openly wept at the film’s malicious portrayal of blacks, while Northern white audiences cheered. The film swept the nation. Riots broke out in major cities (Boston and Philadelphia, among others), and it was denied release in many other places (Chicago, Ohio, Denver, Pittsburgh, St. Louis, and Minneapolis). Gangs of whites roamed city streets attacking blacks. In Lafayette, Indiana, a white man killed a black teenager after seeing the movie. Thomas Dixon reveled in its triumph. “The real purpose of my film,” he confessed gleefully, “was to revolutionize Northern audiences that would transform every man into a Southern partisan for life.”
As the NAACP fought against the film and tried unsuccessfully to get it banned, the Ku Klux Klan successfully used it to launch a massive recruiting campaign that would bring in millions of members. Griffith later regretted the racial prejudice that his film promoted. He tried to make amends by making INTOLERANCE, a film attacking race prejudice. But INTOLERANCE never approached the success of THE BIRTH OF A NATION.
Sadly, a portion of the black left have embraced the Jew-hatred of white supremacists. This echoes poor white Southerners responding to the original “race card,” distracting them from the real injustice of crony capitalists controlling the economy, by offering the outlet of venting against a group below them. Instead of venerating the righteous among the nations, virtue has been redefined as vice, and speaking truth to power is hate speech. Who will stand up, shine a light of righteous anger into the darkness, and turn back the deadly tide?
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