
Animal Adventure says giraffe April will go into labor soon, and the waiting game resumes - Press & Sun-Bulletin

April the giraffe is getting closer to giving birth, Animal Adventure Park says.

Announced in July 2018, the female giraffe's latest pregnancy update includes buzz words like "behavioral and physical changes," and it's been giving us flashbacks to those months — that's right, months — in 2017 we spent glued to the screen with the rest of the world, watching and waiting for a calf to be born.

April's calf, a male later named Tajiri, was finally born at 9:53 a.m. April 15, 2017, 10 months after April's suspected pregnancy was announced.

Watch the birth again below

By the time the calf entered the world, about 1.2 million viewers had tuned in to the live YouTube video, a webcam which has continued to stream through April's fifth pregnancy.

Animal Adventure Park keepers had predicted April would give birth to the new calf at the end of March. 

Now, based on her physical changes and behavior, they believe she's running ahead of schedule.

Signs of giraffe labor

"Wax caps have been present, and udders are developing and filling," the Harpursville park said in a news release. "In recent days, April has been stargazing and had a reduced interest in feeding."

The changes, the park said, "are suggesting she is very much moving towards having a calf."

Let's review.

When Tajiri was born in April 2017, his birth came 10 months after the park had announced in June 2016 their suspicions that April was pregnant.

Labor was imminent back in February 2017, the park believed, but it would be another two months before it actually happened.

When will April's calf be born?

As a defense mechanism in the wild, giraffes hide signs of labor, a big contributor to the difficulty that comes with predicting the big moment.

There are signs, like baby kicks, shedding of wax caps and swelling, to help indicate progress, but true labor is quick: When Tajiri was born, hooves appeared within 10 minutes of labor starting, and the calf arrived within three hours.

Wax caps, one of the signs keepers have witnessed recently, develop on the teats of a giraffe's udder to keep milk in for the calf's first nursing. They typically shed just before or during delivery.

More: NO BABY YET: Audiences hooked on giraffe waiting game

Signs to watch:

  • Wax caps.
  • Mammary development.
  • Swelling.
  • Changes in eating behavior.
  • Baby movement.
  • Discharge.

With her last pregnancy, wax caps were first visible earlier, in January, with shedding in part by early March, ahead of a mid-April delivery.

April's fifth pregnancy, which park owner Jordan Patch said likely couldn't be safely confirmed until the six- to eight-month mark, was confirmed by lab testing in July 2018, based on fecal samples keepers had collected the month prior.

Giraffe gestation period typically lasts 13 to 15 months.

Assuming April was six months into her pregnancy by June, a 15-month pregnancy would produce a calf sometime in March, as predicted.

More: Here's everything you need to know about April the giraffe's pregnancy

"But hey," the park said in a Facebook post, "we've been wrong before."

Stay tuned

Updates from morning and evening checks on April are shared in the giraffe cam chat around 8 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. each day. Want to know the moment April is in labor? You can sign up for text alerts for $5 from Animal Adventure Park. To register, visit aprilthegiraffealert.com.

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