A group of teachers at Clymore Elementary School were so inspired by the Valley's winter weather this week that they produced their own music video dedicated to snow days.
The video had 16,000 views as of Thursday morning. The teachers decided to write and record the song on Monday after seeing other creative snow day videos online from schools across the country, said music specialist Haley Hudson, who is one of the teachers in the video.
"I think it’s crazy how many people have seen it already. I woke up the morning after it was posted, and I was like, 'Whoa.' And it just kept going," Hudson said. "We just did it for fun, and then this happened. It’s really cool."
Watch Hudson, music specialist Sarah Hatcher, second-grade teacher Kristen Dolan, Principal Fonda Morris and a crew of Clymore staff perform 'The Greatest Snowman,' a riff off the song 'This is Me' from the 2017 film The Greatest Showman.
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