The fact that we would even need to have a vote in the United States Senate in 2019 to address protecting children that are born alive is actually shocking.
On today’s broadcast, we discussed tonight’s Senate vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act which would require doctors to administer life-saving medical care to any baby who is born, including abortion survivors.
It is hard to believe but due to a loophole in current law which has been exploited by abortionists, if a baby survives an abortion procedure, doctors are not obligated to provide lifesaving medical care, even if the child is alive and viable.
Introduced by Sen. Ben Sasse (NE) the Born-Alive bill would criminalize infanticide in the U.S. This should not be a difficult bill to pass. Yet, no Democrats have co-sponsored this bill. And even more disappointing, there are four Republican Senators who did not co-sponsor the bill and we are still uncertain where they will fall on tonight’s vote.
The Republicans in question are Sens. Lisa Murkowski (AK), Cory Gardner (CO), Lamar Alexander (TN), and Susan Collins (ME). We also noted several Democrats who may vote for the bill: Sens. Bob Casey (PA), Joe Manchin (WV), Doug Jones (AL), Jon Tester (MT), and Tim Kaine (VA). We asked all of our listeners in those states to call those Senators immediately and demand they vote in favor of “Born-Alive.”
The question these Senators must answer tonight is simple: Do you think that medical care should be provided to a baby who has been born alive but will die on the table without it?
I’ll be honest with you; this is an uphill battle. But regardless of the outcome, this vote will make it crystal clear which Senators, including potential presidential candidates, are truly pro-life candidates and which are fine with letting babies die.
It’s been suggested some of these Senators are currently playing politics. You should NEVER play politics with the life of a child. This is infanticide.
No matter what the outcome, we will absolutely report which Senators vote for this bill and which vote against it tonight.
We also discussed tomorrow’s vote in the House of Representatives to block President Trump’s National Emergency declaration. Even if the vote passes the House, which it very likely will, it must then pass the Senate, and then the President can exercise his power to veto it. The House will likely find this resolution has little impact and even adversely affects the various legal challenges.
You can listen to the entire episode here.
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