Every Friday for about a year now, they've gone fishing. "We've done stream fishing in Wisconsin and we've gone up to Two Harbors," Blong added.
But Friday, March 8th, just before spring break, they were trying their luck on the big lake. "We moved to a spot, and nobody was around. There was no rhyme or reason to it. It was black ice, so you could see right through it. And we went hey, this sounds like a good spot," Murray said.
So they drilled the hole carefully, so the water wouldn't flow over and freeze, making it hard to see. And it was a good thing, too. "This time, we came across 3,000-4,000 fish, underneath us for an hour straight," Blong remembered. "They've never been that close before. You could have reached in the hole and grabbed a fish. Some were even peaking their heads up into the hole."
He and Murray said the fish were herring. Both were able to capture the moments with their phones, and shared it with their school.
It quickly went viral, and has been viewed over 1.5 million times! Blong went to Florida on spring break, and met a woman down there who had seen the video. "She thought I was lying when I said it was me," he laughed.
The two never expected their videos would garner so much attention. "I think the cool part is I was able to capture it with a friend. Something we're able to bond over, and drew us closer," Murray said.
They caught about 30 fish that day, they said. But the big catch, was that video!
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