MISSOULA, Mont. — A crazy cat somehow ended up stuck in a wall at Sprout Montessori in Missoula on Thursday.
Jennifer Teeter posted the video to Facebook, and it immediately started pulling in views.
The video shows Loki in a hole above a door frame. Jennifer and the children laugh at Loki’s misfortune as the large cat attempts to get out of his predicament. Loki finally backs out of the hole and less-than-gracefully falls to the ground but, of course, lands on his feet.
“Loki got on the shelf, and he’s attempted once before to grab the top and failed, and then today he was pretty successful in getting in the hole and getting good and stuck, so I just started rolling with the camera while the kids where eating breakfast. And it just reminded me of when Winnie the Pooh got stuck in Rabbit’s hole and couldn’t get out, and so I thought it was pretty hilarious, and the kids thought it was hilarious. I did attempt to get him down at one point when the camera kind of shifted, but he did it all on his own,” said Teeter.
She said she wasn’t surprised by the mass response, because she said people like cat videos.
Loki wasn’t the only animal at the day care. There are dogs, rabbits, a chinchilla and a turtle as well.
“I think it’s really great to have animals involved with kids. It teaches them compassion and just respect,” said Teeter.
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