
Woman gives birth to son... and then gives birth again one month later to twins - USA TODAY

Childbirth is no easy feat — especially if you have to do it twice in one month.

Arifa Sultana, a 20-year-old woman in Bangladesh, gave birth to her son in February and then 26 days later gave birth to a set of twins.

Sultana has  uterus didelphys, a rare condition that meant she was born with two uteruses. Her condition was undiagnosed until she returned  to the hospital after complaining about abdominal pain shortly after delivering her first child.

According to BBC, the mother had not had an ultrasound when she was pregnant with her first son. Sultana gave birth at Khulna Medical College Hospital and was taken to Ad-din Hospital for stomach pains. There Dr. Sheila Poddar performed a C-section to deliver the twins, a boy and a girl. Poddar said all three children are safe and healthy.

"When the patient came in we performed an ultrasound on her and found there were twin babies," Poddar told BBC. "She had no idea that she had two other babies."

Sultana and her children have been discharged from the hospital. 

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