
Pete Buttigieg officiates quick wedding for Indiana couple just before baby is born - Indianapolis Star

When he's not governing a city and campaigning for the Democratic nomination for president, Pete Buttigieg is performing quick marriage ceremonies in his office.

On Monday morning, Buttigieg unexpectedly officiated a wedding, the South Bend mayor and presidential hopeful said on Facebook.

Buttigieg said he ran into a young couple after he arrived at the office around 8:15 a.m. They explained that they were heading to the hospital for a 9 a.m. appointment for a C-section.

The couple was hoping to get married before the baby was delivered, according to the post, and they wanted Buttigieg to "do the honors."

With a few staff members to serve as witnesses, and a ribbon to take the place of the rings, Gabe and Mary left Buttigieg's office as newlyweds, the post said.

Buttigieg's chief of staff, Laura O'Sullivan, confirmed on Twitter that the ceremony did happen.

IndyStar has reached out to Buttigieg's office and his campaign for comment.

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Contact IndyStar reporter Crystal Hill at 317-444-6094 or cnhill@gannett.com. Follow her on Twitter: @crysnhill.


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