
Quote of the Day: Borders - Ricochet.com

“And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place,” — Acts 17:26, English Standard Version

While on the way to a Bible study months ago, John Lennon’s Imagine came on the radio. I started ranting to my wife about the insipid lyrics. I remembered a guest on “Red Eye” years ago who said that he hated “Imagine no possessions” worse than “Imagine no religion” as the latter can be chalked up to adolescent babbling, but private property is key to being free men or something like that.

The second stanza begins with “Imagine there’s no countries.” When we got to the Bible study, the pastor asked us to begin reading with Acts 17:26. I’ve forgotten what the larger lesson was that night. It wasn’t about “Imagine,” but I was struck by the difference. John Lemmon was asking me to imagine no countries and the Bible is reminding me that God has created nations and determined their boundaries.

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