
Born on the 1st of July: New laws kicking in today – The Post - The Copenhagen Post - Danish news in english

There may be a new government in Denmark now, but a number of laws passed by the previous Lars Løkke Rasmussen-led government are coming into effect today.

Aside from the refundable deposit system (pant) to include juice bottles from today, eight new laws were incorporated into Denmark’s legislation today. See them listed below.

READ ALSO: Refundable deposit system to include juice bottles from next week

Airbnb transparency
From July 1, it is no longer possible to rent out your home via Airbnb without the tax authorities being aware of it. From today, Airbnb will begin sharing data regarding income gained by Danish renters with Skattestyrelsen. From 2021, this process will even become automated.

Terror insurance
A new law coming into effect today will mean people and companies have a right to state insurance in case of damages incurred through a terror attack including nuclear, biological, chemical or radiological weapons (also known as NBCR-terror). The coverage will include buildings, items, vehicles and land, as long as they have fire insurance. Insurance firms will handle the case-processing on behalf of the state.

No more defence lawyer gifts
Changes to the regulation of defence attorney behaviour means they are no longer permitted to receive or hand out gifts. Furthermore, the justice minister will be able to ban inmates from wearing clothing and other items that promote defence lawyers. Moreover, the lawyer committee Advokatnævnet will be able to temporarily strip lawyers of their ability to practise.

War mandatory for defence employees
From July 1, everyone who has been employed by Danish Defence for a year or more is duty-bound to serve during a war or crisis situation for up to 36 months. The duty ends upon the individual reaching retirement age, while current employees can be exempt from the duty upon request.

Unemployed easing
Denmark’s unemployed will see two rules scrapped today. The first is that they won’t be required to log on to Jobnet once a week to look for jobs in order to receive their ‘dagpenge’ benefits. The second is no longer having to search for jobs over the last six weeks of their employment, as they have found a job, are going on parental leave or taking early retirement.

Refugees on temporary
From today, all residence permits given to refugees and their families will no longer have the option of being permanent. Now, all permits will be only temporary and refugees will have to apply separately to get permanent residence. Also, refugees with residence permits will no longer themselves be able to apply for an extension of their permits.

Van permits
Van drivers must have a permit to drive their vans if they are to be permitted to drive freight belonging to others. Drivers found to be operating vans without a permit will risk a fine.

Juice box heroes
From today, supermarket shoppers will start encountering juice bottles included in the refundable deposit system, also known as ‘pant’. Initially, the new expansion will include a few selected juice and smoothie products from Naturfrisk Saft – sold at COOP supermarkets – but from November 1 all juice containers must have the pant sticker.

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