
Surprise! It's not kidney stones it's triplets. Brother says shooting star wish came true - USA TODAY

Dannette Giltz had suffered kidney stones and pregnancy labor. This time the pains got confused.

The South Dakota mom of two went to the hospital earlier this month believing she would need kidney stones surgery. 

"I started getting pains. I figured it was kidney stones because I've went through them before," Giltz told KOTA-TV. 

Instead, she had a different surgery altogether, and came away with son Blaze and daughters Gypsy and Nikki, delivered at 34 weeks. Each weighed about 4 pounds.

Their 10-year-old brother told the TV station he got his wish. 

"One time I seen a shooting star and I wished for a baby brother, and I wished for, like, two sisters for my little sister because she always wanted a little sister," said Ronnie Giltz. "I knew this day was always going to come."

The triplets were born Aug. 10.

Dannette and Austin Giltz said they believed they were finished having children.

But when they got to the hospital, doctors told them to prepare for twins.  A short time later, as Dannette was in labor, they discovered that triplets were on their way. Austin's shock multiplied. 

"It was quiet; we thought they were done," Dannette said. "He's over there, kind of like rocking, like, thinking of the names and then she's like, 'Well, we need another blanket' and his reaction is like, 'Excuse me? Put it back. No. I was told I have twins; I'm not doing triplets.' She's like, 'No, there's three babies in here; there's triplets.' " 

The babies appear to be doing well according to Giltz Facebook posts, and the family hopes they will soon be able to go home to Sturgis. 

The mom said on a Facebook fundraiser that she never experienced morning sickness or the babies' movement during the pregnancy.

"You don't ever see triplets being conceived naturally, let alone going 34 weeks without knowing," Dannette said. "So, everyone's like, 'I can't believe it.' I'm like 'We're still in shock, trust me, we know what you mean.' Like, I go to the doctor's thinking I'll have surgery for kidney stones and end up going into labor with a C-section that night. It's crazy," 


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