
Watch: Viral Video of Elderly Women Dancing at their School Reunion is Winning Hearts All Over - News18

The older you grow, you realise that school was probably the best time of your life. And no, we aren't simply referring to cliches, think about it. You didn't have to worry about money or jobs, you didn't have to think about what you're going to have for dinner when you get back home from work; you probably got a good night's sleep, EVERY SINGLE NIGHT, which is a luxury once you're in your twenties. All you had to worry about was waking up in time for school next day and completing your homework before the deadline. And let's not forget, you made friendships which lasted a lifetime.

What wouldn't we give to relive those memories once again? Well, that's what reunions are for. No matter where you go, it's important to come back to your roots, right? This viral video of a bunch of elderly women enjoying their high school reunion more than fifty years after they graduated is probably just what you need to brighten up your weekend.

A Twitter user named Manoj Kumar has shared a video of a group of high school friends dancing to a popular song and it's adorable. He writes, "This video is of a recent School Re-Union in Mangalore. Their minimum age was 70years! School days were the days of innocence and often school buddies connect with that innocence. The challenge is to stay connected to the child within us."

This is what people had to say about the adorable video:

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