
Today, 26 September, is the most popular date to be born: Here's why - Yahoo Lifestyle

Today, 26 September, is when statistically the most babies are born. [Photo: Getty]

Today, 26 September, is the most popular day of the year to be born.

So, if it seems like everyone’s celebrating their birthday right now, it’s no coincidence.

The Office of National Statistics reporting a spike in mothers giving birth on this date compared to the average (1,800) on any other day of the year.

The same trend has been observed for the past two decades.

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It’s not just this specific date that sees an influx of births, it’s also the time of year.

Eight of the top 10 birthdays fall towards the end of September and the other two in early October, according to the body.

Why are so many babies born in late September and early October?

Parents who conceive babies so that they’re born towards the end of September could be aiming to co-ordinate with the start of the school year, according to the ONS report.

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It’s long been a popular belief that autumn-born babies are at a social, academic and sporting advantage compared to summer babies – some of whom might be almost a year younger when they start the school year.

Another possible reason for the influx of births in this early autumn period could be because of its timing exactly nine months after Boxing Day, suggesting that a larger number of babies are conceived around this time when many of us are off work and in a festive mood.

When are the least popular days to give birth?

The date with the lowest total number of birthday is 29 February, unsurprisingly, because it only occurs once every four year.

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Six of the 10 least popular birth dates also fall in the Christmas to New Year period, as parents-to-be are unlikely to schedule elective caesareans and induced births during the holiday period.

Another unpopular day to give birth is 1 April – “perhaps due to parents electing not to have an April Fool’s Day baby where possible”, according to ONS.

Celebrities who celebrate birthdays in late September and early October

Both British actress Catherine Zeta-Jones and her husband Michael Douglas celebrate birthdays during this time frame, with Zeta-Jones turning 50 on 25 September 2019 and Douglas celebrating his 75th birthday on the very same day.

Tennis superstar Serena Williams turns 38 today as does singer-turned-actress Christina Milian.

Actor Zach Galifanakis and silver screen legend Julie Andrews celebrate their birthdays on October 1, while Sting’s is October 2.

On October 3, ‘Game of Thrones’ actress Lena Headey and US star Clive Owen have their big days followed by Dakota Johnson and Susan Sarandon on October 4.

October 5 marks ‘The Social Network’ actor Jesse Eisenberg’s birthday as well as Oscar-winning actress Kate Winslet.

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