“Four things have almost invariably followed the imposition of controls to keep prices below the level they would reach under supply and demand in a free market: (1) increased use of the product or service whose price is controlled, (2) Reduced supply of the same product or service, (3) quality deterioration, (4) black markets.” – Thomas Sowell
Did anyone notice California’s governor imposing statewide rent control on September 10? It was done to make housing more affordable and more available. It was sold as a means of fixing the homeless crisis. Of course, the cities that already had rent control are the cities with the greatest housing shortages and highest rents, but why let reality intrude on a great theory.
Now the whole state of California gets to share the benefits enjoyed by San Francisco and Las Angeles.
And while California’s Democrats proclaim “this time it will be different!” Thomas Sowell’s prediction is almost certainly a more accurate prediction of what California is about to experience.
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