Socialism seems to attract many of our millennials. So let’s go through some Khmer Rouge slogans and sayings to get a sense of what real socialism is. And no, real socialism is not Norway or Sweden, but Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge regime. A regime that was ruled by the right people: the highly educated, the intellectual elites.
All slogans and sayings are taken from Henri Locard’s book Pol Pot’s Little Red Book: The Sayings of Angkar, which I talked about in one of my previous posts.
Published in GeneralIf you want to join the socialist revolution, you must totally disperse your own individual property.
The loftiest attitude is necessary to follow the strict discipline of the Angkar: no freedom, no selfishness, no individualism.
If you wish to live exactly as you please, the Angkar will put aside a small piece of land for you.
The entire working class is the master of factories, master of all industries.
Comrade, bowing deeply is now out of date.
The people and soldiers-same treatment: if someone makes a mistake, his neck will be shortened.
There are no more sales, no more exchanges, no more complaints, no more robberies, no more looting, no more individual property.
Embrace the proletarian condition!
Destroy the old order, replace it with the new.
Once there is no individual property, then we can work for a perfect revolutionary society.
He who protests is an enemy; he who opposes is a corpse!
On the work site until death!
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