
Quote of the Day: Motive Mystery - Ricochet.com

“We may never know his motive.” “Authorities remain uncertain as to the killer’s motive.” Et cetera.

How many times do we read this, and see a very clear, very obvious motive? Seriously, if someone kills a person (particularly soldier or religious leader) while screaming Allah Akbar, you can safely say the scumbag is an Islamic Supremacist getting his jihad on. If someone is a member of an antisemitic group and kills a bunch of Jews after going to a place known to have Jews, they probably are a member of the Hitler fan club.

Now, if a white supremacist kills black people, that is a national conversation. If it is some person from a designated victim group killing people, then we get the line above, or no coverage at all. Why?

I think there are two reasons. For the Left, there is no benefit to the Narrative if victim groups are exposed as dangerous. That’s why they target guns. You can’t blame minority gangsters for Chicago crime. Supposedly, Chicago’s gun crime problem would be solved if only Indiana had strict gun laws. However, strictly enforcing gun laws is attacked as racist. This whole argument is actually more racist than Jim Crow, as even under Jim Crow blacks were viewed as having agency and responsibility. The modern Left takes the victim groups and designates them as animals that kill whenever a gun is present.

There is another reason, though: fear.

Lefties and the more elite Republicans fear that normal people in flyover country will hear the news, and immediately try to slaughter Muslims wholesale. While I know there are people who support Muslim elimination, they have not assailed Muslims as of yet, and another attack is not going to make them start. More to the point, most people in flyover country are smart enough to be able to tell the difference between Islamic Supremacist killers and their cardiologist or the proprietor of the local 7-11. There will be some nutballs, but the myth of a horde of bigots out for blood is just a sign of people living in an elite bubble. It’s the fans of identity politics who see Muslims as a homogeneous block.

I’d also imagine some of theses elites are even more afraid of being attacked themselves. Either they could be smeared as racist, or targeted by terrorists. This is a form of preemptive surrender, and it shows who elites actually fear. South Park makes fun of everyone – except Muslims. You don’t see attempts to get a cake for a gay wedding from a Muslim owned bakery. If the MAGA hat brigades were as bad as people say, then the media and elites would be cowering under their desks, talking about how wonderful the Donald is and ohgodpleasedon’tkillme!

Enough. It’s time to grow up and deal with the threat of Islamic Supremacism honestly. At least 10% of Muslims worldwide think the only thing wrong with the Pensacola shooter is that he did not kill enough of us. If you can’t handle telling the truth about the fact that Islamic terrorists are Islamic, find a new job and let us respond rationally. Hiding the truth just makes the problem worse.

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