
Quote of the Day: Fake Fear - Ricochet.com

I first saw this from Instapundit.

It really says it all, doesn’t it? The Second Amendment March in Virginia reminds me of the Tea Party, which the left blatantly lied about and demonized. At both events, you had people cleaning up after themselves, being incredibly diverse (all races and flavors of LGBT were represented), and generally engaging in peaceful protest. I (with an assist from Vectorman) wrote about how the Tea Party was trashed, and the second version was not as polite.

Let’s be honest, the 2nd Amendment is the antithesis of the Left. It’s about not being a victim. It is about taking responsibility for your own defense. I bring up how I want more law-abiding black men in Chicago carrying guns, and the lefties I talk to tend to give an error message and stop functioning. Of course, they need to trash the Virginia March. If that kind of organization spreads, they are toast.

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