
Quote of the Day: Make Your Life Matter - Ricochet.com

“Our obligation is to give meaning to life and in doing so to overcome the passive, indifferent life.” — Elie Wiesel

Elie Wiesel, the brilliant writer and survivor of the Nazi concentration camps, never lost his will to fight for truth. In part, he wrote to inspire people to embrace their lives, since he knew only too well how short and fragile life could be.

In these times, it’s easy to simply drift through life. If you are given everything, first by parents, then by the state, what’s the point in acknowledging trite phrases like “the meaning of life?” But in fact, life calls us to be engaged, to build relationships, to lead the moral life, to help others. Each of us, through our jobs and families, can strive to make a valuable contribution, whether it’s in bringing our expertise, or exuding pride in our work, or simply being a reliable co-worker. For those of us who have retired, we have the chance to make a difference in the lives of those whom we meet or spend time with, whether it’s smiling at the clerk at the grocery store, being a sympathetic ear to a friend, or something as simple as making a favorite meal for a loved one.

The key to living a meaningful life is that when life seems ordinary and routine, step back and look around. See those folks around you? Any one of them might need your help, your acknowledgment, your smile.

Don’t let that moment pass by.

Published in Religion & Philosophy

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