“If peace cannot be maintained with honor, it is no longer peace.” – Lord John Russell
“The left doesn’t fight evil; it fights those who do.” – Dennis Prager
On Thursday, Qassim Soleimani, one of the evilest men on Earth was killed. Immediately, the American left, including virtually every Democrat running for President, and numerous Democrats in the House and Senate condemned the action. At first, the condemnations were prefaced with the acknowledgment Soleimani was a bad actor. By Friday evening, many of those prefaces had been walked back.
Why? Because Orange Man Bad.
The action even got support – sometimes grudging and sometimes wholehearted – from many anti-Trumpers. They recognized evil. But the left? Not them. Was there ever a better illustration of Prager’s statement?
Even now, there are some who provide a “yes, but” for their approval. They say it was the right thing to do, but it might lead to war with Iran. That is where Lord John Russell’s statement comes into play. What type of “peace” is it if Iran is allowed to attack us with impunity, without severe consequences? What type of peace did we buy with $1.7 billion in cash sent to Iran? What type of peace did we achieve by ignoring Iran’s involvement in Benghazi? What type of peace would we achieve by ignoring Iranian attempts to reprise Benghazi in Baghdad?
This might lead to war. I rather doubt it, because the Iranian regime has a lot more to lose than the US does if they go from covert to overt belligerency. The world does not need Iranian oil. Iran is incapable of projecting conventional military power much beyond the borders of Iran. In a period of open belligerency their ability to project unconventional military power is more constrained than it is now.
Any war with Iran will not be a reprise of the Gulf War, Iraq, or Afghanistan. The United States can impose crippling punishment upon Iran without risking a single soldier’s boot on Iranian soil. We can take out 80 percent of Iran’s electrical power generation, most of its oil production, and all of its ability to ship oil by sea, with unmanned missiles, stealth bombers, and a sea blockade. Using conventional weapons. In a country experiencing significant domestic unrest.
Iran’s best hope is the mobilization of its fifth column in the United States – the mainstream media and the Democrats. And those two entities have shot themselves dry in three years of fake Trump scandals. All they would do is complete their self-destruction by further discrediting themselves.
Two-and-one-millennia ago, Persia gave the Spartans a list of atrocities they would visit upon Sparta if the Persians enter Lacedaemonia should Sparta refuse to yield to Persian demands. The Spartan king replied with one word, “if.”
That seems an apt response today. If.
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