
Quote of the Day: Truth - Ricochet.com

“Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.” – Winston Churchill

Gee, ya think?

How many times have you seen someone smacked by reality spend an inordinate amount of time convincing themselves that what really happened didn’t really happen? And then march on as if whatever happened was just their imagination. I will bet you have done that a time or two. I know I have. And have seen others, including nationally prominent individuals, do the same thing over the last few weeks.

Of course what happens next is that same reality smacks you again, harder. And harder still if you ignore it again. As I have grown older, I have found myself less likely to ignore reality challenging my perception – mainly because I wish to avoid the pain denial entails. And a lot quicker to relook at things “everybody knows.”

How about you?

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