But then, in the eyes of the Left, a nation of free citizens, equal before the law and not necessarily equal in much of anything else save opportunity, does not much look like the America that “fundamental transformation” is intended to bring about. By their lights, they are patriots, just not “American” patriots. They are patriots of America of the Future. The country they hope to bring into being will be still be called “America,” it just won’t be America.
— Michael Walsh, The Devil’s Pleasure Palace
The Left will never be satisfied. They think they are working toward a future goal of equality for all, perfected human beings and flawless institutions. Their problem is that as long as flawed human beings are in charge, nothing will ever be perfect—including the Left and their aspirations. But that truth can’t penetrate their demands to transform the country.
The Left doesn’t realize that part of the beauty of human nature is our vulnerability and imperfection. It is out of those states that we strive to improve the world, not from a socialist, totalitarian doctrine that demands our compliance. Our unpredictability, which can be awkward on a day-to-day basis, leaves room for creativity, exploration, and dynamism. When we allow people to thrive and invent and experiment, they grow as individuals and we grow as a country.
Those are the true progressives.
Those are the genuine patriots.
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