“I hope to stand firm enough to not go backward, and yet not go forward fast enough to wreck the country’s cause.” — Abraham Lincoln
Donald Trump finds himself in an international maelstrom. He has people who, in spite of the life-and-death issues, still believe the most important goal is to take him out. The media continues to lie and distort his comments, and are to blame for much of the panic people are experiencing.
For the most part, however, Donald Trump along with his health task force has maintained his bearings, and in spite of the petty criticisms along the way, has led the country in the right direction. Trying to find that sweet spot of maintaining the balance of good judgment, clarity, and wisdom, and not yield to the crisis of the day with rash decisions takes determination and grit. He and his team will be making tough decisions in the days to come with confusing and inconsistent data, trying to get the economy moving, while reassuring the people.
I think he is precisely the president we need in these times.
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