
Quote of the Day: No One Could Have Predicted - Mother Jones

From Larry Kudlow, director of Donald Trump’s National Economic Council:

Is there anything these guys won’t say? The scale of the lies and deceit from this administration is just mind boggling. If they took the time they use to blame everyone else for things and used even half of it to oversee the implementation of actual solutions, we might cut our death toll by a third. California Gov. Gavin Newsom has shown that it’s possible.¹

And Jared Kushner! God almighty, why is he still in charge of dicking around in serious problems that need to be left up to adults? He promised a website. There’s no website. He promised drive-through testing. There’s hardly any drive-through testing. He wrote Trump’s disastrous March 11 prime time speech. He insisted that the national emergency stockpile is “ours”—whatever that means—not meant for the states. He calls his in-laws for medical advice. He encouraged Trump to say he wanted to reopen the economy by Easter. He promised millions of test kits that have never materialized. He is perhaps the all-time poster child for the Dunning-Kruger effect. But we’re stuck with him.

¹I would never have guessed that Newsom would turn out to be the best and most effective governor in the country at managing a crisis. But he has been. Go figure.

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