
Quote of the Day: Orwell on Wells - Ricochet.com

In 1941, Orwell wrote an essay “Wells, Hitler and World State.” The whole essay, contained in Volume 2 of his collected essays, is worth reading. Here’s an excerpt.

All sensible men for decades past have been substantially in agreement with what Mr. Wells says, but the sensible people have no power and, in too many cases, no disposition to sacrifice themselves. Hitler is a criminal lunatic, and Hitler has an army of millions of men, aeroplanes in thousands, tanks in tens of thousands. For his sake a great nation has been willing to 0verwork itself for six years and then to fight for two years more, whereas for the common-sense, essentially hedonistic world-view which Mr. Wells puts forward, hardly a human creature is willing to shed a pint of blood … [skipping about ten lines] … The people who say that Hitler is Antichrist, or alternatively the Holy Ghost, are nearer an understanding of the truth than the intellectuals who for ten dreadful years have kept it up that he is merely a figure out of comic opera, not worth taken seriously.

Today, we’re in the post-Obergefell age. The “party of science” has moved on to the transgender lunacy which pretends that XX can become XY and XY can become XX. The supposed moderate Democrat, Joe Biden, is supporting a law that would require you to treat men who think they’re women as women and vice versa. You would be required to lie and affirm this. It’s a vicious combination of 1984 and That Hideous Strength. Title IX would effectively be repealed as even semi-elite men could easily defeat elite women in most track and field events.

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