“I believe that all government is evil, and that trying to improve it is largely a waste of time.” – H.L. Mencken
We have certainly seen several illustrations this week demonstrating Mencken was a man ahead of his time.
Consider the actions of Michigan’s governor, threatening to extend Michigan’s lockdown, not for medical reasons but to punish those who dare oppose her. You can just hear her keening in an Eric Cartman voice, “Respect my authoritah.” Or politicians with $30,000 refrigerators stuffed with designer ice cream trying to push pork in the guise of relief.
It is not just politicians, that have demonstrated their evil. The Justice Department and the FBI are not composed of elected officials. Rather they are government bureaucrats. This week it was revealed they railroad an innocent man to overturn an election. That is not just wrong. It is evil.
To compound the evil, the judge administering the case is refusing to drop a case against an obviously innocent man, flouting both precedent and Supreme Court decisions in yet another attempt to demonstrate Lavrentiy Beria is alive and well in the United States and wearing judicial robes.
Trying to improve government is largely a waste of time. Our efforts should be aimed at reducing it and minimizing its influence on our lives.
What is your favorite recent example of evil government? Put them in the comments.
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