While sitting at lunch recently with FLORIDA TODAY education reporter Eric Rogers, he asked me a deep question.
We were discussing the time I met Al Worden, the Apollo 15 astronaut who died in March, and how excited I was that he was in attendance for a November 2019 viewing of the 50th anniversary moon landing documentary I produced, “The People of Apollo.”

Of all the questions Eric could have asked me about the moon or meeting an Apollo astronaut, he tossed out this: “What will they call people born on the moon?”
At first, it seemed silly. The question was a little bit out of this world.
But the more we discussed it, the more gravity it held.
We started to wonder: Is this something NASA has actually discussed?
I sent an email to multiple media relations people at NASA to see what they might say.
I didn’t want to come across as a loon (or in this case, a lune?), so I had to be somewhat serious in my ask.
Here’s what I said:
“I have a kind of oddball question and I was hoping you or someone you know might have some insight. Obviously this is looking way ahead into the future, but eventually, after we get back to the moon we will likely build a base on the moon. At some point, a baby could be born on the moon. Has there been any thought given to what a person born on the moon might be called?"
In old TV shows, anything from outer space was referred to as a "Martian." But if they're born on the moon, they obviously are not a "Martian." What are they?
We at FLORIDA TODAY tossed around some ideas, but then wondered if this is a discussion that's actually been had by NASA or the people in the moon program.
As I said, it seems kind of oddball, but anyone I've discussed this with has become sucked in and interested in the conversation, so that tells me it's worth writing about.
We have compiled a list and I plan to write about it but would love to have some sort of NASA perspective or comment.”
It took a few weeks, but after I sent a follow-up email so they knew I was serious, I got a response.
Grey Hautaluoma, a public affairs specialist for NASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination Office, emailed this: “NASA is focused on the Artemis program and the missions themselves that will land the first woman and next man on the Moon in 2024 and lead to a sustainable presence. I look forward to seeing what ideas people come up with in response to your question."
In other words, no, they probably haven’t given it much thought. Maybe now they will.
Considering we haven’t been on the moon since 1972, and it will be at least four more years before humans go back again, I doubt lunar procreation is at the forefront of anyone's mind. Except maybe Eric.
It probably isn’t something that would materialize for the next few decades.
Maybe, just maybe, they have a name so amazing, so interstellar, they don’t want to let it leak at this point in history.
Since they have none to share, I’ll share the ideas formulated by Eric and me because we simply think calling them “humans born on the moon” is boring.
Tim’s ideas: Mooners; Moonions; Moonies; Moononites; Lunarians; and Amoonicans.
Eric’s ideas: Moonarians; Moonoans; Moonfolk; Moonish; and Moonese.
What do you think?
Vote in our poll and we’ll see which idea would be the best to name our future moon babies. Do it for all Moonkind.
And if you think you have something better, email me at twalters@gannett.com. I’d love to hear your ideas.
Email Walters at twalters@gannett.com
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