“Where an excess of power prevails, property of no sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties, or his possessions.” —James Madison
It’s unsettling to read a quotation from a Founding Father that so closely resembles the United States today. With far-left groups wreaking havoc in our streets, the irresponsibility of Congress pursuing feckless investigations, and the illegal actions of our FBI, we don’t have to look much further (but could dive much more deeply) to witness the excess of power. People ruin public buildings and private businesses with graffiti; statues and monuments are defaced and torn down with no consideration of the rule of law. And to say that no citizen is safe, I believe, is not an understatement.
Twitter has become a morass where people are attacked and lose their jobs. Tiny children are being shot in the streets. Our sensibilities and beliefs are ridiculed and degraded. We can’t even protect our own homes (as the people in St. Louis are learning) without being charged with a crime.
James Madison tried to warn us. Astute people tried to point out the signs in recent years of a society in trouble. Now, some people are finally speaking up about taking our country back.
I just hope it’s not too late.
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