
UN warns COVID-19 has threatened child vaccination programs worldwide - Daily Mail

Less than 20% of children born today worldwide will likely have all their shots by age five due to COVID-19 disrupting vaccinations, UN warns

  • Vaccines are the single most important protection available to children against disease like tetanus, measles and mumps 
  • A New UN report found that vaccination programs have been disrupted by COVID-19 in 75% of the 82 countries surveyed 
  • Shutdowns and travel restrictions have interrupted supply chains and parents fear exposing their kids by taking them to health care facilities 
  • The UN estimates that, at this rate, less than 20% of kids born today will get all the recommended shots by the time they are five  

The United Nations warned Wednesday about an alarming decline in childhood vaccinations because of the COVID-19 pandemic, saying that the likelihood a child born today will have all recommended vaccines by the age of five is less than 20 percent.

Three-quarters of the 82 countries surveyed in May reported vaccination campaigns being disrupted because of coronavirus, according to the study carried out by UNICEF, the World Health Organization and Gavi, a public-private partnership started by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. 

That survey found more than 30 measles campaigns around the world have been, or are at risk of being halted, a move likely to worsen outbreaks of the highly contagious disease.

It's not an issue isolated to middle- or low-income countries. Already, US doctors gave 2.5 million fewer doses of non-flu shots than in previous years this March and April. The number of MMR shots given by UK doctors fell by 20 percent in the first weeks of lockdowns there. 

Three-quarters of the 82 countries surveyed by the UN said their vaccination programs have been disrupted by the coronavirus pandemic, leading the agency to warn that the likelihood a child anywhere in the world will have all vaccinations by age five is less than 20% (file)

Three-quarters of the 82 countries surveyed by the UN said their vaccination programs have been disrupted by the coronavirus pandemic, leading the agency to warn that the likelihood a child anywhere in the world will have all vaccinations by age five is less than 20% (file) 

'The avoidable suffering and death caused by children missing out on routine immunizations could be far greater than COVID-19 itself,' said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

Even before the pandemic hit, 14 million children around the world already weren't receiving vaccinations, most of them in Africa. 

In South America, vaccination rates already have plummeted over the past decade in Brazil, Bolivia, Haiti and Venezuela.

Now it's become harder for health workers to give vaccines because many have been redirected toward the pandemic response. 

In other areas, health workers are having more difficulty because of movement restrictions or lack of protective equipment.

Even when vaccines are still available, many parents are fearful of taking their children to health centers because of the virus.

US doctors report giving 250,000 fewer doses of MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine in March and April of 2020 compared to the previous year. 

That's particularly worrisome in the US, which had its largest outbreaks of measles since 1992 - and most of then were in New York City, which became the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic for several months this year. 

Continued declines in MMR vaccination rates could pull the US back below the 93 to 95 percent of people who need to be vaccinated against the virus to confer herd immunity for the elderly or immunocompromised who cannot get shots. 

And vaccinations are the single most important shield standing between children and diseases like tetanus, diptheria and pertussis that once killed scores of kids, but are now rarely a threat, thanks to vaccines. 

'COVID-19 has made previously routine vaccination a daunting challenge,' said UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore. 

'We must prevent a further deterioration in vaccine coverage and urgently resume vaccination programs before children's lives are threatened by other diseases. We cannot trade one health crisis for another.'

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