
Quote of the Day: The Lady Who Wouldn't Raise Her Fist - Ricochet.com

“Courage is being scared to death — and saddling up anyway.” — John Wayne

I started thinking about courage after I read a news account of a lady in a restaurant in DC who was harassed by a roving mob of Black Lives Matter fanatics.

They surrounded her and others in the restaurant and screamed that everyone must raise their fists to show solidarity with BLM. (Yes, this is America, 2020.) Everyone raised their fists except for one brave person, Lauren Victor (the lady in pink below), who refused to raise her fist.* They screamed within a few inches of her face. She still wouldn’t raise her fist.

I started wondering what I would have done. I hope I would not only refuse to raise my fist but that I would also tell the little fascists to go to hell.

That’s what I hope I would do. It’s hard to say what I would actually do without being in the shoes of Ms. Victor.


*The story would have been better if Ms. Victor had been a brave conservative. Instead, she sympathized with BLM goals and had actually marched on its behalf numerous times. But these particular bullies got her hackles up when they tried to coerce her into raising her fist. So she refused.

One would hope that Ms. Victor’s enthusiasm for BLM would wane just a bit after she got home and gave this little episode some further thought.

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