
Quote of the Day: Life - Ricochet.com

“Life is ten percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you respond to it.” – Lou Holtz

Since Holtz gave a stirring speech at the Republican Convention on Wednesday, I thought it worth highlighting him this week.

There is a lot of wisdom in his statement. While circumstances (what happens to you) define your initial conditions, how you respond to them determines where you end up. You might start out with all the advantages in the world, but bury yourself in drugs. achieving nothing over your lifetime. You might start out as a slave on a plantation, but grow up to establish one of the most important HBCUs in the nation and become a presidential advisor, as did Booker T. Washington. The difference is the response to the circumstances.

You can allow yourself to become a victim or you can decide to become a success. The result lies in your actions.

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