
Quote of the Day: Responsibility - Ricochet.com

“Have we reached the ultimate stage of absurdity where some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, while other people are not held responsible for what they themselves are doing today?” – Thomas Sowell

We sure have. After all, San Fran Nan didn’t do anything wrong by violating California’s COVID lockdown rules. She was set up. That excuses everything. Meanwhile, I am supposed to feel guilty about black slavery that ended decades before my grandparents arrived in the United States from Greece.

Reparations is a stupid game, and I won’t play it unless I am forced to, but if I am . . .

My Greek ancestors were sold into slavery – some to black African, who willingly kept them as slaves – as a tax for their families remaining Christian. So to those demanding reparations from me: Get back to me about my responsibility for things that happened to your ancestors before my grandparents were born and before they got to this country after you deal with your responsibility about what was done to my ancestors. Yes, it was in another country; And besides, the wench is dead. Nevertheless, your standard applies both ways. I hold you to the same standard as I am being held. Back off or render forth.

You are only responsible for what you do. Not for what others do, and certainly not for what others did before you were born. At the same time, you are responsible for your actions. When you screw up, fess up, take the lumps you deserve, and get past it. Anything else leads to madness.

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