
Quote of the Day: Hand Holding – Ricochet - Ricochet.com

“Hands are made for holding.” – Corina T., Nevada

I usually don’t get Dove chocolates but I saw some in the dollar store, had a craving, and picked up a bag. I’m a little aware of the quotes Dove includes inside the wrappers. Some find them insipid and rant against them. Others find them humorous. I enjoyed the above pre-Chinese Flu quote on my wrapper. With St. Fauci saying that shaking hands will be a thing of the past, this is a nice reminder that people need a human touch.

Now to class it up a bit from a quote on a Dove wrapper. I wrote this post last week when I bought the chocolate. Yesterday, @aaronmiller shared this following quote in the PIT and it fits the theme.

“A handshake is a mystery or a sacrament; there is something visible about it, namely, the clasping of hands; there is something invisible and spiritual too, namely, the communication of friendship.” – Archbishop Fulton Sheen

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